You personally don't understand that this is being specially developed for a kindergarten in Beijing for 2-7 year olds. You're 11. Play the original. It is only for them.
Simon 1. Remove the menus by making sc_total smaller. 2. Rearrange a single menu into having plant, wood, water, fire and etc. 3. Make the menu bar bigger. 4. Make it fullscreen compatible. 5. Remember 'Q' for Quit? 6. Remove server functions and logins. 7. Be happy for you have helped a kindergarten in Beijing. I am not rude, or forcing or ordering you to do that, but my personal opinion is this. ^_^ I like powder toy, but the way to cancel login/logoff if you press X or esc it says error and logs you off. Good work keeping this up ;)
Sure XX, i use OE-cake also, and the kids love the fluid effects of using water and other viscous materials. Can't find the full version of OE-cake anymore though.
The people who made OE-cake changed its name to "PHYZIOS Studio Pro". Here's a link:
Thanks, I took a look and this will be a big help.
Actually, i have a small 15 month boy who loves the little bombs in the new version of TPT. I guess its the shinny lights and explosions. They also seemed to be drawn to the neutron element because of the light effect.
Oh there's another one called Phun, or Algodoo! Not to be a TPT hater, but Algodoo is pretty fun. it's a sandbox game with large "kid friendly" button. Downside: No elements....except water, but its more of a gears, hinges, springs stuff. It's pretty good
PizzaPlatypus Today, 07:10 Member Reply Quote Permalink flower is in my mod. (which also has grass and seeds and pollen and lot's of other plant stuff)
Your mod has the most elements that the kids liked. Actually its one of my favorites.
(Dant3erd) if you are looking for a more simple version of the powder toy, use geeks 3d version - It is far simpler and is amed for younger users, the elements are easy to pick and the interface is understandable, although it has smaller window and i know you're looking for a bigger window. Im only trying to help but there is not much i can do.