UPDATE v1.3(not the official, the offials are only on the front page, first post) webb cought a double whammy by catching a giant fish that was worth 10 feeding but 2 feedings of it were poisonis. A bed was made for trystanr using no trees. webb caught a bad cold and the nurse sed just stay near the fire but aviod the smoke. roguegeneral is now swimming for food. player identification added.
this was written like it was addressing every1 incase som1 read it, i copied some of your things that u say in updates so u don't have to edit it as much.
awesome(bout keeping in touch wif iphone soz bout double post) btw i cant check the front page anymore only second and third plz tell me wat u think of the update
i will lose contact in 50min and will gain contact 14hrs(encluding the 50min) but wont be on straight away but i will be on asap