Name: Electrons Symbol: ETRN State: Particle (like photons/neutrons) Transformations: N/A Conductivity: N/A Special Properties: Flies in straight lines (like photons) and will create SPRK on any conductive materials. Will also turn URAN into PLUT. Description: Electrons. Creates electrical current when impacting conductive materials. ------- Name: Iron Filings Symbol: IRON State: Powder Transformations: IRON > LAVA @ 250C Conductivity: Yes Special Properties: conducts electricity. Attracted to Electromagnets Description: Like METL in powder form. Conductive. Magnetic. ------ just some more ideas.
Name: Restorative Symbol: REST State: Powder Transformations: N/A Conductivity: None Whatsoever Special Properties: Will transform into the first particle they touch. like a one-shot, CLNE in powder form. Will also heal stickman. Dexcription: Transforms into the first particle it touches. Will also heal Stickman. ------ Name: Pixel R,Y,G,B Symbol: PIXR, PIXY, PIXG, PIXB State: Solid Transformations: PIX_ > LAVA @ 250C Conductivity: No Special Propeties: Will glow a color (R=Red, Y=Yellow, G=Green, B=Blue) when switched on, like SWCH, but does not conduct. PSCN switches on, NSCN switches off. Description: Pixels. Will Glow <Respective Color> when charged. PSCN switches on, NSCN switches off.
Virus VRUS powder none no when it contacts an element it turns all into virus until next type hits the infected element turning into itself. E.G VRUS+URAN=VRUS(URAN)+dust=dust neutral to all specials