
  • RedFlash
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    They have to ask me to use the plane. If you take some food from a supermarket without paying for it and give them credit for the food, is it alright?
    Plus, the text up top even says "Please do not copy or make Similar Versions"

    To avoid situations like this in the future, I have put up a notice on the Simulation telling the users to ask me for permission to copy the plane or a part of it
  • smjjames
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    In other words if you pay for the food, then yes to your analogy.....

    Anyways, I'm planning on making my own laser and using some of the concepts that I've seen around here that looked pretty efficient. I initially thought about copying, but meh, making my own is more fun.
  • Nathanhi89
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Is it OK if to tell them if its not yours
  • PowerShroomsAttack
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    LOL, I like your analogy. And I agree with you. Taking without permission and not asking is wrong. The problem is that most users don't know abou the forum. Like me, I made almost all my saves before I learned there was a forum/wiki when I saw "Powder Toy Wiki" So they don't know how to ask for permission.
  • smjjames
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I guess thats true. Until they blatantly claim they made it.

    Coolman5432 took the Destroyable City 5 and claimed he made it, no obvious alterations.

    Edit: huh? I guess the forum automatically converts a HTML link of a save into the correct tag.

    Edit2: super_mario's nuclear powered plane got stolen again without permission as far as I can tell
  • HeavensGate257
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Good thing I deleted that thing I played on powder toy. I messed it up and accidentally published it (I didn't know it would become public).
  • PowerShroomsAttack
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    My opinion is this - If you are ever tempted to steal think first. (1) Did you come up with the idea first? Probably no. (2) Think how hard someone else could have worked on that project. Would you like someone just taking your work without doing any work? (3) Be inspired. Go and build it, but better. That's what I did to Coleslav's "C4 Bridge 2." I turned it into my own series, blow the bridge.
  • Catelite
    17th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I doubt most people who save other people's saves ever give it a second thought. I dunno really.
  • roguegeneral--
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    if your going to steal something, at least delete the original tags the BSTS sign and the other persons logo but im not condoning stealing
  • smjjames
    17th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    I might save it into my own stuff so I can look at something or refer to something, but I wouldn't steal it outright.

    Edit: I'm actually thinking of putting a christmas hat on Wall-E just for fun, but yea I will credit it to the origional.
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