On my pc, I cannot turn on the neutron mode as well as the upper hswc in the cooling section cannot be turned off- I have to delete pscn, nscn, and wifi and set them again. After saving and reloading th problem comes back. :(
@Tellet(View Post) Upper cooling HSWC is just fine for me... Neutronmode isn't turning off because the pumps are still on. Pumps are on because PRTI is sucking the SPRK(Portals carry sparks too!) from PSCN before it reaches NSCN. To fix: 1) Remove all PRTI in the radius of one pixel of the wires. Use another material with deco or something. That's all. Also, I noticed that the "Heat/Cool" switch's PUMP is one pixel diagonal from the INVS pumps, they connect and transfer LIFE. Might want to get the distance more out.
@joaovitorfernandes-gmail-com(View Post) "how to make a mod of the powder toy" - primeiro falar Inglês, então use uma linguagem de programação. First learn English, then use a programming language.