@Racer-Delux(View Post) @rrusciguy(View Post) I was not implying you could go lower than 0 K, I was implying that you can't and it is theory (It doesn't matter how obvious it is or how sure we are), because you can't prove something to be, if it hasn't happened to our knowledge.
And anti- matter: It isn't really negative energy, because you can have positively charged anti-matter (think ions). Anti-matter can be formed through beta radiation(special beta radiation). instead of a neutron emitting a negatively charged mass (lets assume an electron as it has about 2000th the mass of a proton/neutron.) the neutron emits a positively charged mass, a positron, the neutron then becomes a negative proton (anti-proton). positive beta decay can happen in nature and artificially... in fact, early this year, scientists discovered antimatter forming above thunder storms.