Before it is locked, there is, in fact, one good reason to perfect stickman movement. Not to use it in some sort of stick man battle, but to make a game controller with it. By using generators, electronics could take advantage of the arrow keys when making games or other programs. Granted, the stickman falls when introduced to gravity, but a simple logic gate can fix this.
While I can do this already, stickman's glitchy tendencies do not make controllers of this sort practical.
Truthfully, I would not mind replacing stickman with an element that simply moves along the respective axis when arrow keys are pressed and is immune to gravity.
Ok, when STKM (or STK2) disappears on TOP (not just out of border) TPT just Closes Also sometimes when STKM (only STKM) dies, there is a heap of DUST under spawn point, therefore STKM can spawn normally. And... it dies. And... Heap of DUSt raizes
@mniip When stickman dies, its body turns to dust. This is normal. Stickman is by no means perfect. As far as the crash goes, I have not experienced this. Try not to let this happen.