@username90000 PLST is different to INSL. PLST can melt, break into powder, and conduct heat (not very well), none of which INSL can do.
insl is supposed to be plastic ur opinion doesnot count because insl is plastic not ur plst idea but insl is plastic in game
@username9000 INSL is never implied to be plastic, it is just a generic insulator. Personally, I think INSL resembles a hard rubber more than plastic, but that is my opinion because TPT does not specify exactly what INSL is.
You aren't the judge of which elements are appropriate for this script, I am.
That being said, PLST has been suggested so many times and with so many different ideas that I think I'm going to add it.
@moches Bismuth would be quite cool.
Sorry, element requests are currenty closed. Interesting idea though, I'll write it down.
@RebMiami (View Post) thanks, forgot to reply.