wrx318 your flamethrower can be turned off and on witch is good and is has a large spread but a portion of it goes straight forward but the only thing i find anoying is you have to wait about 1 minute for the pressure
heavensgate257 your flamethrower is accurate on both modes but more on the 1st mode u can turn it off and on and i really like the idea of different modes chuck-norris 2 words: IT SUCKS
EDIT- 19 hours and 30 minutes to go from 1:30pm nsw time
i made one that destoys citys easy, idk how to add my thing but it was a 5x5 square of void(only out line) with a clone in the middle cloneing thunder and then a square of clone a space away around it, erase every second one all around and the clone was cloning fire. It makes rings of powerful fire, it is small and amazing, to it go search on powder toy, mini flame destructor 2(number 1 doesnt work)
webb to add it go into powder toy log in then go int open sim open that sim with the "open in browser button" then copy the url and paste it on a post on the forums
ok guys i modified my flamethrower and it reaches its peak pressure much faster now, by the way how much longer left and who is winning. [imgs=LoadSaveBlock(83826);][/imgs]