how about more state changes? I mean, like changing temperature on non-explosive elements should make every element in the game change state of matter.
All right, i know nobody likes to hear about magnet, and i know i mentioned it earlier, but i had a great idea for it. Firstly, any powders or liquids that are on screen will automatically attract to it, and just stick to it, and if there are any solids that have powder/liquid forms, they will break down and attract oi it too. the color will be silver, and when temp more than 100 degrees it will melt into lava, and if pressure is maybe 250, it will break down into broken metal.
@squirticon(View Post) A wild necromancer appears... Wild necromancer uses n00bish ideas It's super effective Lolzy used final warning. Necromancer fainted. Lolzy gained +1xp Lolzy is now level 9001, congratulations...