Hahaha, you gotta love XKCD :D
EDIT: This is awesome, but I can haz readme?
EDIT EDIT: Nevermind, I just used https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Coding-tutorial.html
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Possible bug, when viewing the LUA file after I've created it it gives two lines of the Diffusion property (Lines 15 and 16)
What version does it say up at the top of your version? You might be out of date, because I thought I fixed that...
EDIT: Readme is a good idea! I'll github that to my github git hubgit.
All I heard was "Develop commit github github github master github push...?" ...I just started Github, I think I'll stick with the basics for now.
it's actually git develop git commit git master git push git github git git git
Oh, my bad. I'll fix that...
And LET stands for Lua Element Tool :)
V2.1.1.0 (according to Properties)
Also, I've created some cool elements so far :D
SUVE - Super vent.
WTF - Some strange liquid type bouncy thing.
HELM - Helium.
RFUL - Rocket fuel.
Anyone want the code?
(I also used some strategic property editing in Notepad using the wiki page c; )
Yep, it's a bit out-of date. Try getting the version from Github, that one's more up-to-date. Meanwhile, I'll start updating the Dropbox version.
Okay, will do.
EDIT: Woah yay, now I can add glow to gases!
EDIT EDIT: Damn, I'm active on this thread. Your Dropbox version history link is dead, btw.