VIRS wouldnt really take over a ceramic. None the less tpt is not realistic so what the hell :P
Instead of melting at 4000+ degrees, why don't you make it melt at a lower temperature, but it takes 10 seconds to melt (like qrtz but not a random time) so it can remain solid even at max temp if you cool it quickly afterwards. also, it should conduct heat really slowly so it doesn't take much damage from protons when it absorbs them.
@the_new_powder99999 (View Post)
Then it wouldn't serve as a good shield, especially for fusion.
Another possible feature (might be overpowered) is if it only melts if the temperature changes quickly enough eg: heating it slowly won't melt it but heating it quickly will.
Did the devs decide that it would be implemented?
thats why you should remove useless things like nitr or c-4 or gun, but that would break quite a few saves.....
These are historical elements, should not be removed.
@minecraft-physics (View Post)
They haven't talked about it on IRC.
If anybody is interested by the version Boxmein made:
Also, here are some DLL's
I was just thinking of suggesting ceramics and found this thread. its a great idea that has been forgotten so I am going to necro. the color should be pure white or charcoal gray. most refined electonics grade ceramics are one of those 2 colors. my vote would be for white. the only other white solid is whol.