Boxmein: J because it's the first key that comes to mind that is not used for anytthing else. I was going to use 'g', but imagine how annoying it could be if you started recording a GIF each time you turned on grid :)
Jacob1: Wait...oh god. You are the lockheedmartin of hiding :)
What script was that in? I generally don't do that sort of thing, although I may have been debugging.
However, you should try constructive criticism instead of being an arse and going "Well, yes, I am a Lua expert and your code is rubbish", as that just demotivates people.
The point is, you should not insult people for having something wrong. If it works, it works, it could be better, but it's not rubbish, it works.
Just search through all of my scripting threads, you ought to be able to find an example right away. And maybe try to find more than 2 times you've actually suggested how to do things better.