Liquid Hydrogen

  • tommig
    10th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @_kinloch_ (View Post)

    NITR is a liquid fuel. Happy now?

  • Plasmoid
    10th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    How about a new mod: "The Realistic Toy"
  • therocketeer
    10th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @Plamoid (View Post)
    powder sim much?
  • Minishooz
    10th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    A realistic way to synthesis Deut?

    Like LHDR + NEUT ---> DEUT?

    The DEUT would set off in in larger quantities due to the neutrons that would be reacting with the LHGN
  • sentinal-5
    24th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    Unless someone can come up with an awesome reason for why this would be entertaining. =/

    Since OXYG already liquifies, HYGN doing the same would be good for continuity,
    the MAIN reason it would be awesome is because you could use it as rocket fuel with LOXY, when LOXY and LH2 burn together they produce PLSM/FIRE with a ctype of WTRV, same as HYGN and OXYG, but also produce the same pressure effect as DMG, making them the most powerful liquid fuels in the game.

    The uses for such a powerful explosive are as limitless as the uses of all the other amazing explosives TPT already has: rockets, heaters, destructible compressors, sound cannons, fuel cells, flamethrowers.. the list goes on. And the relative complexity of the reaction, requiring two fuels and an ignition source, would make them more balanced as a tool.

    Yes, there may only be a small group of users asking for LH2 / LHGN / LHYG , myself included. but i truly believe if it were added to the game it would be as popular as LOXY.

    it wouldn't break too many saves either. how often do you see people relying on supercooled HYGN to make something work?

  • zaccybot2
    26th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @sentinal-5 (View Post)

     This thread is 5 and a half years old