Neospector Can we please keep on subject. Here's the link to my nuclear bomb. (Forgot to post it earlier) LoadSaveBlock(26782);
If this is too big, then you can make a smaller one (within reason), but it will be set off twice when tested. Show me your bomb if you want to go for the smaller option
yew101 Could you get the water to stay in the shower and toilet when the nukes go off by adding a door or something? Also, the uranium melted a giant hole in the landscape...
Okay i tried to fix it as much as possible the pressures still being a bit.... of a pain. But it still forfills all of the requirements and it was the first! I will convo you super mario.
Here's my bunker w/ nuke included(you can put your own though). It appears to always survive(out of 5 tests) with only minor damage to plumbing and tv, no damage to people.
EDIT: Also, maniac hacker I tested yours to a nuke, the one I used to test mine, and your bunker fell within 10 seconds.