I think that benzene is one of the coolest looking molecules (after buckminsterfullerenes)
And I like it because its nice and simple, some peoples logos I have no idea what they are, like FInalflash50's, i though its was graffiti on a wall, not a guitar...
well, it is my own opinion. If I said "Benzene is the coolest" than some who prefers unsaturated cyclopentane (a pentagon instead of a hexagon) might be offended. It is not up to me what molecule looks the coolest because their is no definite scale to judge the "coolest" molecule (i mean in terms of aesthetic attraction, not the actual temperature of the particle).
edit- don't panic people, its not benzene any more. It has now changed to dodecahedrane, one on the platonic hydro carbons. I want to see if it looks better or worse than C6H6