Krisna: You could use black hole tough! Make a black hole and give 2 pixel of diamond as the outer shell...
This. Magnets would just be limiting that ability.
not really. in real life, if metal is touching a magnet the metal is turned in magnet too. that wouldn't happen that way. also magnets would be usefull for filtering... like... imagine you mixed metal and stone/dist/concrete/any kind of powder and u wanna un-mix them. use magnets. that would also help creating chains if there were a powder magnet. positive and negative would help too! what i'm sayng is, magnets are much more than what krisna said, not counting with the creation of vaccum. if this is too much scripting for you(it would be for me, but im 11 :P)why dont you make it, lets say.... line by line. you could make lets say 10 lines a day. you don't have to do it at once. think about it.
also, a black hole wouldn't really work because it messes with pressure, with or without diamond. you'd need wall and that's really bulky and is indestructible. I like things I can blow to bits.