not wanting to get into one of TPTs now legendary science "discussions" but in TPT, they are; in RL, they are not, TPT is not RL so science doesn't play that heavy a part in it :P you also took it out of context lol.
Expanding on Ark5's Chemical-X suggestion I intend to make a kind of photon/neutron hybrid particle that moves like a photon but reacts like a neutron to give a bit of precision to these reactions and help make some interesting simulations.
I dont think clone should turn into void when exposed to neutrons or vice versa, how will we actually clone neutrons, and how will we use void to absorb them if they are gettting in the way?
I think the rest of the ideas are good (though maybe glass could be reverted back to sand with neutrons?)
How about BHOL <-> WHOL? Or ICE <-> NICE? STKM -> ?!?!? (RBDM would be awesome) And if some folk don't find crazy neutrons to be their kind of bag, it could be an optional option, like the heat thing.
I like the BHOL<->WHOL idea. And I will probably end up working on a ???? particle to replace neutrons as god particles, then remove neutrons reactions altogether....