CBMB: Cold bomb with a cold explosion releasing CFLM and CMKE. Looks like A light blue BOMB.
CMKE: Cold smoke that is sub-zero. looks a little lighter that HYGN.
PRCT: Protector, An AI Controlled Stickman that trys its best to protect STKM and STK2 from being killed by FIGH. Looks like a full light green STKM.
BMND: Breakable DMND. Looks like a little darker than the usal one.
FTRN: A fast-reacted TRON Looks the same as normal.
AVIS: Anti-Virus: Just like soap but cures alot quicker. Looks like a lighter BIZR.
GELS: A solid Gel. GEL becomes this when reaches 0C or below (Negative)