@Hellome its quite complicated to explain in one post, but ill try: What i think is the most important part, is a little component that is right next to my SSD stack (ill put a red VOID arrow pointing to it) and bacically what this does, is using a 4-bit input that you manually put into the processor, is for each possible 4-bit combination is it sends a spark to one of 16 outputs, each of which lead to ram, which is just a bunch of your little storage components but simplified, the rest is just greek to me, but my SSD works in a similar way than the ram, other than that it has outputs.
ok so this part, it has four inputs, and 4 inputs of 1's and 0's have a total of 16 possible combinations (0000) (0001) (0010) etc. so this component has one output for each of those combinations, see what im saying?
dnerd No, that makes no sense. You have a certain number of bits for your opcode input, then you translate that into a command based on whatever method you've decided.