pixel_artist Ok, so let me put this is in a way you will understand. Remember in Modern Warfare 2 when you kill all those people in the airport, and then it gets blamed on the Americans and that costs exponentially more deaths? Same idea, except with votes. Those first few self votes are what really starts a save off, in fact it could easily be the reason the saves you upvoted got so many votes...
@pixel_artist then why bother coming back if you knew people would still hate you, i bet if you started clean after your first ban, no one would probably even know. You screwed yourself by spamming.
Stop pinning the blame on us. Simon changed the way the system for the front page for the purpose of allowing everyone a decent chance at getting on the front page for some popularity. Abusing that system to crowd out other people's saves is hardly nice. It was just because it kept happening over and over that it got noticed.