No You need to choose the chip first. Then tell him 'write', at last sent the data. That's how a real RAM works
TPT4802: (write/read) 1.give nothing to #CS, means you choose it now 2.give continuous spark to WR/RD pin, tell 4802 you are going to write/read it 3.Sent some spark to D0~D7 to write/ catch the sparks form D0~D7 to read
A real SRAM, for example 6264 1.when address signal comes, a single single translated form a decoder will sent to #CE, telling the 6264 that he was being choosen (and that is known as the address of the memory chip, for example 0x0F2540E2H) 2.the cpu sent a low amplitude (~0.2V) to #MEMW/#MEMR on the bus, witch is connected to #W/#R, telling 6264 the CPU is going to write /read. 3.the cpu sent the data onto the bus, witch sent to the D0~D7 pin via properly connection to write / data form 6264 was sent to bus, then the CPU will catch them, read it to his registers.
Even if it'd be much work: Quadruple the Space :D Also just make the display "outside of the box", it's just for easynes :D
I'd make it, but then I would again do something you had the idea of, also my things are ugly and not so elegant as yours (but bigger lol :D).
We should get in contact, there are not many programmers/technicians that have really an idea. I'm just don't have many ideas. Just feel free to do so.