The view all posts function is of a great help. It would be an option to make something like a 'regulars' club, where you are accepted by mods. They'll control one for his number of posts, creations and value of posts (Only spam posts=no acces).
Any one interested in the stability of the server please ask me. Also We need to get this server thing punched into high gear. things are already geting nasty. some very old saves are starting to corrupt.
Any one interested in the stability of the server please ask me. Also We need to get this server thing punched into high gear. things are already geting nasty. some very old saves are starting to corrupt
Prove it. Also if the server was having stability issues, simon or one of the others would say something about it.
HA! You don't have proof do you. Either way, Simon will certainly tell us if its something to worry about or not. Still, the possible corruption/server instability isn't the reason why this topic was made.
........................................ Everyone of you The-Fall has no clue about the stability of the server, he's making up that old saves are corrupting (all 20 of mine from July, when the server started, are fine), and the server is no where near crashing or being full. He's trying to start unrest. Just ignore this thread..