Neo: I figured out conductivity. If you update, send me a link to your source in a conversation, and I'll make your elements conductive, or help you with other thing.
Neospector For conductivity go in powder.c and search metal, where you find it with other conductive elements just add steel to the list or copy the stuff and change metal to steel. Be careful though, cos if you miss one it can fail badly.
Update: Upgrading to newest source, however due to length of time I'm removing STEL and TXGS, making BOOM the only modded element as of now. Even after that, STEL and TXGS are not a priority, I'm attempting to code a new sign symbol, like {p} and {t} only it will either display: 1) Element 2) Velocity Element is more likely. Edit: I tried moving it, it didn't work and now I've lost days of work. >_<