Hey i think you are missing something. Superheated warp traveled by ligh can bypass aNYTHING that isn't cheaty in TPT. To make an alloy withstanding it you will need a subframe-selfregenerating alloy. Even then doing it without cheaty things is very difficult
and oh, you can't use gpmp its cheating its unbreakable.
you could try using repl, decl, and conv for a layered alloy, void to block out ligh, ttan with insl to block out pressure, as for the gravity i cant do much about it
use BCLN and TTAN to prevent pressure going into BCLN and set ctype to ttan
ez, right? WRONG. It is actually 69x harder.
Titanium Walls - 1st layer, very thick
VIBR - 2nd layer, thin
Titanium - 3rd layer, thick
BCLN - 4th layer, thick, ctype: titanium
BCLN - 5th layer, thin, ctype: shield level 4
BCLN - 6th layer, thin, ctype: tungsten
BCLN - 7th layer, very thin, ctype: white hole
BCLN - Center, multiple thin layers, ctype: ttan
also try Bunkium
i created a extreme durable anti azure thing that absolute azure proof by using blue vibranium soap pipes and other