Maybe it's just them. Thanks for checking it for me.
its not reading the powder.pref file
Hmm. That's odd. It reads it on my PC. Does regular tpt or cracker1000's mod do this as well?
I have no idea why it's doing that. Can you send me a screenshot?
oh sry for wasting ur time turns out im just dumb
maybe you should but might not work on mac or apple the mod desc
what do i do there is many files and things on the github the only way i can understand it if it is one file with it all in it please can you see if you can do this and if not tell me what to do on how to install it properly
Happy to help!
If you use Windows (PC): powder-v2.3.1-x86_64-win-mingw-static.exe
Apple Mac: powder-v2.3.1-x86_64-mac-gcc-static
Linux: powder-v2.3.1-x86_64-lin-gcc-static
Just added Corrupt Matter. Thanks to AtomicStarfish1 on GitHub for the idea.