Is the FP Good for the Community?

  • Fusionftw
    22nd May 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    @LBPHacker (View Post)

    So that's why some of my saves with a good number of upvotes (19 or so) don't make it to the front page.


    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

    To be honest, that would probably be the only change made to the FP if at all. Most people just don't like seeing crappy saves on FP, but if we allow other users to decide what's crappy, everyone would just want their saves on FP.

    Edited once by Fusionftw. Last: 22nd May 2020
  • Plasmey_401k
    22nd May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I'd say something, but I agree so much with Lockheedmartin that I'd just be restating what was already said.