hey guys, based on plead-for-destructions idea for cooling im modifying this to get rid of the flames coming out of the exhaust, by the way guys i have a couple other versions of this engine, i have a 4 cylinder version, 2 cylinder and if anyone is interested i could make an 8 cylinder (v8). but at the moment im half way through building a v12 (12 cylinder). its so cool having you guys help me and give suggestions. thanks, wrx318.
yea i have been designing a way to num the fire as then it would be more real. by the way im finally finished the v12. it took a lot of work. another thing... i have a couple of questions, do you guys think im a good well "powder toy builder"
if you guys have anything you want me to try and build i will well try.
i checked out your modification on the 4 cylinder, a couple problems 1. the water could make the exhaust e-wall short out 2. it makes steam out of the exhaust but all round pretty smart idea.
im making an engine thats made of metal at the moment, so it can have cooling should be pretty cool when its done.
i think ur awsome at creating i just like the occasional community project could you build me a few meltable by plasma war figures like tanks helicopters ect.?
interesting idea you should try and make like 4 cylinders or something like that. how did you make the electronics wireless? thanks, wrx318. heres something i made the other day. its one big cylinder. [imgs=LoadSaveBlock(54729);][/imgs]