Logic gate elements

  • QuanTech
    7th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Check this out for a tutorial on FILT logic gates.

  • mark2222
    8th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech (View Post)


    To be fair, that isn't much of a tutorial. The closest to a tutorial here, hidden deep within the wiki, is https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Complete_Electronics_Tutorial.html, but even that is very outdated. The wiki doesn't mention anywhere even that BRAY (as opposed to PHOT) can be used for logic, let alone anything about subframe (which, by the way, is 2 years old).


    I would make a more current Powder Toy logic tutorial, but it feels that there just isn't enough demand for one for it to be worth making one (prove me wrong). Making a good tutorial takes a lot of effort, especially when you include screenshots and frame animations.


    Anyway for the original topic, @EaterOfCake try imagining how single-bit logic gate elements could allow you to do any better than present adders (hint: they can't):



    (Sorry I used my own save, it's the best non-memory example of FILT logic parallelism I could think of.)

  • boxmein
    9th Dec 2016 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    "Offloading" logic work to elements that perform the same thing as existing circuits without a very elegant implementation (eg, DLAY with the old alternative being water and INSL) seems pretty pointless.
  • EaterOfCake
    9th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Okay, after giving it some thought, I came up with this:

    What I said before is just plain wrong. I now agree that most logic gate elements would be pointless, with one exception: the NOT gate. These things are an absolute pain to make, so how's this for "elegant implementation": A power source that turns off when powered with PSCN. It would obviously not power PSCN, but would power all other conductive elements.


    By the way, forget the other ideas.


    PS: I use too many colons, I know.

  • QuanTech
    10th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @EaterOfCake (View Post)

     FILT also has a NOT mode :P a 29-bit one.