I'm helping this guy with his code now. I understand the point of dividing the x and y by 4, and I guess the 0 is the new pressure value, so what are those 3's for?
Edit: Figured it out, and fixed the element. The method is ugly, but it works fine.
Re-edit: Nevermind, pressure just clip through it to the other side. Uuuggghhh
Hmm, doesn't work either...
local plst = elements.allocate("MOD", "PLST")
elements.element(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_WAX))
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Name", "PLST")
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Description", "Plastic, blocks electricity and air pressure . Lower melting point than most materials.")
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Colour", 0x768d96)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Loss", 0)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Weight", 100)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Meltable", 1)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Flammable", 0)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Hardness", 65)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "HighTemperature", 973.15)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "HighTemperatureTransition", elements.DEFAULT_PT_LAVA)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "Properties", TYPE_SOLID)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_PLST, "MenuSection", SC_SOLIDS)
function PLST_Update(i, x, y, ss, nt)
-- i: particle index
-- x, y: particle x, y coords
sim.pressure((x-1)/4, (y-1)/4, 0, 3, 3)
elements.property(plst, "Update", PLST_Update)
Edit: I changed the update parameters:
sim.pressure((x-1)/4, (y-1)/4, 3, 3, 3)
When I use this, the Plastic keeps a constant pressure of 3, when I change it 0, doesn't keep the pressure in 0.