Can we get back to discussing the actual suggestion?
Any actual comments?
It looks good, for what you told us >_>.
I like the number square and nble tweaks, but wont its tmp2 conflict with anythign? or nble just uses tmp?
And a bit off-topic, does your mod has any new elements? :)
-Neutron matter, both solid and powder
-Negative mass matter
-Reverston, reverses reactions
-Unobtanium, indestructable insulator/conductor
-Filler, allows particles through
-Bowserinator, op gas
-Mud, well it's mud
-Cold gas, for cooling stuff down
-Force field
-Force field generator, WIP ish
-Tempreature preserver, conducts heat but never loses/gains it.
-CMRC, super tough solid I can't spell
-There might be some more.
Wait a sec, filler? You mean you've essentially made a background element?