My suggestion list:
ALUM: Aluminium. Explodes in contact with ACID. Can be powdered (PALM) which when mixed with BRMT, forms THRM. Lighter than SHLD.
SLPR: Sulphur. Releases CAUS. When mixed with BCOL forms GUN. dcolor like BGLA and BCOL but yellow.
BRON: Boron. Absrobs NEUT and slows it down. Brittle and breaks into BRMT. Slightly lighter than SHD4.
PHSP: White phosphorus. Glows slightly and ignites very easily, sticking to everything when on fire.
SPLY: Super alloy. Resistant against corrosion, pressure and heat. Formed from molten TTAN, TUNG, BRON and GOLD. Almost same same dcolor as BCOL, SLPR and BCOL but metallic grey.
LEAD: Lead. Blocks radiation and sub-atomic elements like PROT, PHOT, NEUT and ELEC. Also poisonous. Dark-greyish-blue.
Solid PLUT and URAN! Seperate elements from original PLUT and URAN so no broken saves. Same deco.
ALPA, BETA, GMMA: Radiation with different strength levels. When NEUT and PROT meet they form 1 ALPA. BETA=accelerated ELEC. GMMA+Invisible PHOT-like particle. All emitted from different radioactive materials. ALPA-URAN, BETA-PLUT, GMMA-special from pressured radioactive elements and high-energy fusion, fission or nuclear blasts.
RRAY: Radiation ray. When activated emits the above, depending on the ctype.
Wow I think we just found some uses for these old rejected elements. (I am actually, not being sarcastic.)
This would actually be pretty interesting to see added.
I was seriously not expecting that kind of positive reaction XD I think all it takes is a chemist on TPT and that's all you need to find decend suggestions (I'm not boasting here btw, I'm just a guy that likes studying the perdiodic table, minerology and cosmology).
@EmirStarshyne (View Post)
First of all, I'd recommend creating another thread if you're suggesting elements. This thread's title is a little misleading; TPT doesn't (currently) have a central element suggestion page.
Not sure if you mean a moving explosive. But moving solids are way too hard to code. I am sure that you didn't, mean a moving explosive, either way uses?
A hypothetical moving solid/explosive could be made like phot, where each particle just moves vx and vy pixels, being stopped by other elements.