oh yeah i think i found it. ARAY.
Come to think of it, I should probably get back to making things.
Yeah i think that ARAY is the solution to most of this problem, but i can see what you mean.
I don't think that even with lower SPRK delay time it will be easier for most people to create fast comlex electronics since their creations are not optimized for the highest speeds and sometimes they dont even make use of the currently lowes SPRK delay time. For example I couldn't speed up my Word Printer because if it reads a value from the memory and this value is the command to stop printing a SWCH needs to be turned off before the next reading cycle can starts which takes exactly 8 frames. But a lower SPRK delay time could improve PSCN ARAY heating for lasers and mabye faster piston ships, so simple electronics. My copier that can copy one line every two frames will of course be much easier to build.
This sounds a lot like Pulse frequency modulation, you can use it to send massive quantities of data along a single bus but, i learned it's only so useful.