Handful of Element Suggestions

  • PowderChallenge
    23rd Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @tery215 (View Post)

     Yeah, aimed ray isn't fully thought out yet, I'm not sure how it'd be aimed, and if you'd be able to change its aiming angle with electrical signals of some sort or not. I figure aiming could maybe involve the tmp variable, where like 1000 would be 10 degrees, 25000 would be 250 degrees, 3456 would be 34.56 degrees, etc. As for Mold, it was just a random idea and I didn't really like it myself as much as the others, but I thought I'd add it in case anyone thought something that broke in a fuse-like continuation would be useful.


    I know the mods only like useful suggestions, but come on, there are so many elements that are pretty much just there for fun! Otherwise, we wouldn't have TRON, SING, DEST among maybe a few other examples. I don't see anything wrong with elements that are just fun, I personally can play with SING for an hour without getting bored, I just use it to wreck up saves I load from the server. I figure my RIFT suggestion would be similar, but I also gave it specifications for changing its behavior so it could be useful instead of just for fun.

  • detroit671
    4th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Element: gluc

    full name: gluecose

    Description: source of energy for game of life, also known as sugar


    Element: gasl

    Full name : gasoline

    Desription: very flammable, for use in most tpt engines, can be ignited via extreme heat and/or pressure, or spark


    Element: antc

    Full name Antifreeze / coolant

    Description: a fluid, much like water but with a higher boiling point and much lower freezing point. should conduct heat, as for cooling engines, nuclear reactors, and other things that get pretty damn hot, and need to be cooled. (Note: this version should not conduct electricity, as i've had many problems with sprk and watr in the past. also, antc must be able to bond with watr, for a more realistic effect.)


    Here are a few useful suggestions for should-be added elements to tpt, to make it more interesting

  • NF
    5th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @detroit671 (View Post)



    Element: gluc

    full name: gluecose

    Description: source of energy for game of life, also known as sugar


    Element: gasl

    Full name : gasoline

    Desription: very flammable, for use in most tpt engines, can be ignited via extreme heat and/or pressure, or spark


    Element: antc

    Full name Antifreeze / coolant

    Description: a fluid, much like water but with a higher boiling point and much lower freezing point. should conduct heat, as for cooling engines, nuclear reactors, and other things that get pretty damn hot, and need to be cooled. (Note: this version should not conduct electricity, as i've had many problems with sprk and watr in the past. also, antc must be able to bond with watr, for a more realistic effect.)


    Here are a few useful suggestions for should-be added elements to tpt, to make it more interesting


    We already have GASL. Nevermind we got OIL my mistake.


    Uses for these elements? such as gluecose.

    Edited once by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 5th Mar 2014
  • detroit671
    5th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    well we've got to have SOME source of energy for; say: stickman or plant.

  • NF
    6th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @detroit671 (View Post)

     Agreed but we already got YEAST.

  • detroit671
    19th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @PowderChallenge (View Post)

     instead of MOLD, why don't we use Petrobond sand (oil base sand) 

  • godhydra
    23rd Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I like these ideas.

  • detroit671
    23rd Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    handful of element suggestions:


    Element: HNGE

    Full Name: Hinge


    works much like pstn, in the sense that it would move a set distance based on the number of sparks it receives from PSCN/NSCN. The only difference here is that Hinge would produce a circular motion, instead of the linear motion that pstn produces. It can also work w/o PSCN/NSCN and will move with pstn.

    Why this is useful: can be used to change the firing angle of rifles and other weapons.


    Element: FPIN

    Full Name: Fire-Proof insulation

    Description: Works exactly the same as INSL, but doesn't ignite upon contact with FIRE.

    Why this is useful: can be used to isulate metals in high-heat situations, such as engines.

    Edited once by detroit671. Last: 31st Mar 2014
  • epicbraester
    12th Jun 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    i have a mold maker, if you can just make the mold for me, i can give you the finished product. just search (user:epicbraester)

  • Catelite
    12th Jun 2015 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    Most of these ideas are actually pretty fleshed out, and match up nicely enough with the internal rules the game already follows.

    I am just not a fan of Motor because I'm already not bananas over making pistons any more efficient.

    A player-input element would be a nice replacement for stickman controllers, and really wouldn't likely be difficult to create.

    The only reason we don't already have a ??? element is because of lag. :P Spawning tons of particles across the screen in Powder Toy is not quite the same as an all-consuming CA rule in old Falling Sand was, due to the way TPT handles particles (as actual things, rather than states of an array.) So this is perfectly doable, but the moment anyone spawns one, FPS is going to hit bottom more or less immediately. I can't even think of a good way around this.

    The classic method is to have Element A turn everything into Element A (including empty space), generating an all-consuming wave of Element A. For a certain percentage of time, 80% is a good average, Element A decays into Element B, which does absolutely nothing, and reacts with nothing, but otherwise is simply just darker than Element A. Element B decays into Empty space at about 20% to 10% of the time, if not less.

    This presents an issue where Element B far outweighs Element A in particle count, generating massive amounts of lag. The problem can't really be circumvented by causing Element B to decay more quickly, either; It simply produces small pockets as it disappears allowing Element A back through, producing infinite loops of swirling ???.

    Any ideas for how to get around this basic problem (such as just assigning Life values to the RIFT's secondary particle, like you have planned) would probably help.

    As cool as aiming rays sounds, I'm not really a huge fan of it; Ordinary photon lasers can already be aimed in any direction at all, and adding a whole new element to give this capability to particles that were intended almost primarily for use in small machines rather than destrucrive beams isn't likely to happen.

    ...Also, as for MOLD, we could probably just repurpose INSL. It's basically the same, save being flammable.