One problem with this is that helium is not normally used as a nuclear fuel in stars until they run out of hydrogen. Since we already have hydrogen, you could use that to make a star, and we also have a noble gas element, which is supposed to stand in for all of the noble gases other than radon and ununoctium. Finally, hydrogen fuses into this noble gas element, representing nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.
No punctuation is funny. Except when the guy is serious.
Seriously though,being interested does not mean we want it.And they're not saying it's gonna be worse;they're just saying it shouldn't be added because it has no uses.Your argument for adding the game is terrible.We already have an element and features that has/have the properties suggested,and the devs don't elements because you want them.
It's not like criticism is a bad thing.It's just evaulating something and judging its merits and faults.Without it,all our stuff would be trash.
good point
ok point taken stop commenting on nobel like ten people pointed this out
Mind if I try to make this in a LUA mod of mine? I can create Helium and SUN.
Your Grammar is horrible.. not trying to be mean
..........accept your defeat more honorably especially when a mod says no.