Helium sun idea .. hear me out

  • Michael238
    20th Nov 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    One problem with this is that helium is not normally used as a nuclear fuel in stars until they run out of hydrogen. Since we already have hydrogen, you could use that to make a star, and we also have a noble gas element, which is supposed to stand in for all of the noble gases other than radon and ununoctium. Finally, hydrogen fuses into this noble gas element, representing nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.

    Edited once by Michael238. Last: 20th Nov 2013
  • Cacophony
    20th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    No punctuation is funny. Except when the guy is serious.


    Seriously though,being interested does not mean we want it.And they're not saying it's gonna be worse;they're just saying it shouldn't be added because it has no uses.Your argument for adding the game is terrible.We already have an element and features that has/have the properties suggested,and the devs don't elements because you want them.


    It's not like criticism is a bad thing.It's just evaulating something and judging its merits and faults.Without it,all our stuff would be trash.

  • Atom-Spliting-Vibe
    20th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    good point

  • Sylvi
    20th Nov 2013 Moderator 2 Permalink
    @lightfrost (View Post)
    You criticize the reader and the other elements. That strategy in persuasive essays is horrible and usually makes the reader uninterested. Not to mention you make it sound like you speak for EVERYONE. Unless you have solid poll data and majority consensus form the community, don't make that sort of tone.

    > this is supposed to be fun.
    The whole idea of what our goal is not strictly interpreted or even known. We just want to build a falling sandbox game.

    By the way, NOBL gas already has a fusion process and acts mostly like helium. Please convince us why there should be a similar element with minor changes to it?
  • Catelite
    20th Nov 2013 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    If it's going to be added to the game, it's going to need to do something nichey all by itself, like EXOT. Just lopping an element into the game solely for a helper position in the game with other elements, it may as well not appear on the menu at all. Coal gas is an amusing thought, at least, but it'd be laggy as all if it -generated- fire.
  • lightfrost
    20th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ok point taken stop commenting on nobel like ten people pointed this out

  • RadioActiveLua
    20th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @lightfrost (View Post)

    Mind if I try to make this in a LUA mod of mine? I can create Helium and SUN.

  • XenoGenesis
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Your Grammar is horrible..  not trying to be mean

  • Schneumer
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @lightfrost (View Post)

     ..........accept your defeat more honorably especially when a mod says no.

  • lightfrost
    21st Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink