Doesn't gel do this? Just colour that blue and then you're done (:
the_new_powder99999 Not exactly
What if there was a "water skin" element to go along with each liquid? Liquid particles exposed to air or a fluid would turn into their respective skins. They would stick to each other (even diagonally), break apart at some amount of force, and try to shape themselves into a ball with some sort of springieness. (It could be a vector of some sort instead of a normal element, if possible)
Putting the code for a skin into another element won't eliminate the lag, if anything it will increase it.
The end.
Oh of course we will listen to the official TPT developer Iridium616.
He decides all things.
Decon, look, I think this suggestion has been taken a bit too far. I mean that as in, its come to the point where people will just turn right on you for your next post to this thread.