Forcefield generator (FFGN)

  • Catelite
    21st Sep 2013 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    It's not the number of reactions available to an element that makes it amusing.

    In summary, it's how dynamic the element itself is, and what it has to offer than nothing else does already.

    EXOT is awesome, for example, because its pressure generation is directly proportionate to its tmp2 value (which means you can hit it with ELEC to generate more and more pressure), but eventually explodes when oversaturated.

    It changes colors according to its temperature along a rainbow scale, can be easily changed to form basic Replicate fluid so that it turns itself into whatever it is touching, regularly flashes its glow on and off (in order to replace an older removed feature of LCRY that was removed due to it being an overflow glitch.)

    ...And it turns solid when cooled without actually being a second element, at which point it makes more negative pressure than positive. o_o

    The latest element additions have just raised the bar for newer elements, and most features added into the game would most ideally be added into older elements to prevent the game UI from being cluttered with one-trick ponies. Having individual elements with a set number of reactions doesn't make them automatically interface in some meaningful way with -all- other elements, especially not uniquely.

    ...And I see way too many newbies just drawing random elements on the screen and being disappointed when -nothing- at all happens.

    Edit: And magic dust isn't itself a bad idea, a single element that makes changes to all other elements while itself being unremarkable is basically what NEUT was archetypically way back before we got all these fancy elements.
    Edited once by Catelite. Last: 21st Sep 2013
  • JMBuilder
    21st Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Wow. Just... Wow. I always liked TPT for its physics-based features. It's becoming too unrealistic.

  • Catelite
    21st Sep 2013 Former Staff 3 Permalink
    It isn't 'becoming' too unrealistic :P Have you noticed how quickly SPRK travels on its own, and how quickly PHOT travels?

    ...Or the fact that GAS generates pressure forever and can suck in infinite pressure, no matter what?
  • JMBuilder
    21st Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    BLAH! There's no winning here.

  • NF
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @JMBuilder (View Post)

     I'm sure in the future your ideas will be considerd, and (FFGN) is an awesome idea.

  • the_new_powder99999
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Does anyone have any more features that FFGN could have? or anything that would get it more likely to be added into the game?

  • sandstorm
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    I think it would be really neat if it could apply some sort of drawn forcefield... like with one element you lay down the generator, but then with another you could "draw" the shape of the forcefield that you want. I think that could be kinda cool if you could make the core of a reactor indestructible, but it would be destroyed if the generator was messed up. so...kinda...fusion containment? what would happen if there is already a particle where it is going to place the bray? 

    also, the force field should definitely glow and sparkle like embr. just sayn'.

    oh wait, hw will the color of the force field be determined? should it be based on the generator pixel?

    hmm. I'll add anything if I can think of it.

  • the_new_powder99999
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Maybe the tmp could determine the shape of it, 0 could be a circle, 1 could be a square 2 a triangle etc. If there is a solid, powder, liquid or gas in the way it would just ignore it, but if there was an energy particle then it would delete it (It wouldn't change the life of the forcefield to prevent glitches). the forcefield would definitely sparkle, Maybe a bit like neutrons. The colour would be blue by default but it would change if the deco colour of the FFGN is changed.

  • sandstorm
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    *raises the thread from the dead*

  • Iridium616
    4th Oct 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    I love the ambient heat usage