I already uploaded my source on GitHub. Or I won't be able to send a pull request. But people cannot compile it, I has to compile it myself, but GitHub isn't a place to upload programs.
This is my testing save: (Blocker wall will be seen as none with any current version of TPT, just need a place to upload my version)
I may fix the bugs you mentioned as far as possible, but could you tell me if it will be implemented? Also, again, I need to have a file uploading site to upload my mod, upload my beta, etc.
Link? I don't know links, I don't even know how to search English sites.
wait.....so basically, you don't need to heat wifi to change it? well umm........not sure if this ia that helpful then unless im being stupid....AND I'M 100 percent sure i am right now.....NEEDS MORE CONTEMPLATING!!! Nevermind, i see. this should be added, though it will just be sort of a nuisance reliever more than a necessity.......really, it's only helpful in saves with mass wifi and sorts like that....so if it isn't that hard to code or whatever, THIS should be added! :D
P.S China......i'm not sure if where you live has the same computers as us, but if you do, just type the url AKA the "thing". like if i wanted to go to this website, i would type it's url, or coolmath.com, for example. Do you understand? I'm a horrible explainer....
Please Answer Devs! I am going to send more and more pull requests after this pull request is accpeted/rejected!
Ah, I don't want to bump like @greymatter did.
This is going to be a really cool wall to be added. Developers only has to click that 'Accept' and it will be implemented, please, do it! We all liked it very much and we just need your click!
Maybe I has to close that pull request. I couldn't do anything with my own mod with that pull request open. PLEASE ANSWER IF IT CAN BE IMPLEMENTED.