Plasma Ball

  • cyberdragon
    13th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm currently working on it exploding. But it currently can't move. I need it to slowly wander around but be able to be moved by a small pressure.

  • cyberdragon
    14th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    BUMP. I can get the control particle to move the top particle, I just can get the rest of the ball to follow without disintegrating. If I make the other particles move in the same way, they scatter. I need to somehow bind it together. Remember, I modified Jacobs BALL code.


    if(sim->pv[x/CELL][y/CELL] >= 0.3)
    parts[bn].vx = sim->vx[y/CELL][x/CELL];
    parts[bn].vy = sim->vy[y/CELL][x/CELL];
    newmsrotation[bn] -= tmp/50000;

  • boxmein
    14th Jun 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    >2)C++ is backwards compatable
    You get it wrong. C++ as in the language of course is backwards compatible. A C++ compiler can compile C code.
    For a codebase that is not the case.
    All the APIs, every piece of code, every function you could use to access the properties, has been restructured, rewritten. Element files themselves are different. That's what you are dealing with. Not languages being compatible or not, your very code being wrong.
  • cyberdragon
    15th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Dude, they are not that different, except that you need "sim->" on the C++ functions. I told you I converted everything, it wouldn't compile otherwise. It compiled. The rest is mostly standered functions and math. The reason it's not working is because BALL was not meant to float, I need to make it float. (it doesn't fall, but it doesn't move either). HOWEVER, it can explode, with C++ commands in a C condition check. So, you are totally wrong.


    HOWEVER, that code I posted above IS wrong, I just don't know how to fix it. Just look at what I posted in the link, and see if you can figure out how to get the ball to stay together under air pressure (too much blows it though).