I'm currently working on it exploding. But it currently can't move. I need it to slowly wander around but be able to be moved by a small pressure.
BUMP. I can get the control particle to move the top particle, I just can get the rest of the ball to follow without disintegrating. If I make the other particles move in the same way, they scatter. I need to somehow bind it together. Remember, I modified Jacobs BALL code.
if(sim->pv[x/CELL][y/CELL] >= 0.3)
parts[bn].vx = sim->vx[y/CELL][x/CELL];
parts[bn].vy = sim->vy[y/CELL][x/CELL];
newmsrotation[bn] -= tmp/50000;
Dude, they are not that different, except that you need "sim->" on the C++ functions. I told you I converted everything, it wouldn't compile otherwise. It compiled. The rest is mostly standered functions and math. The reason it's not working is because BALL was not meant to float, I need to make it float. (it doesn't fall, but it doesn't move either). HOWEVER, it can explode, with C++ commands in a C condition check. So, you are totally wrong.
HOWEVER, that code I posted above IS wrong, I just don't know how to fix it. Just look at what I posted in the link, and see if you can figure out how to get the ball to stay together under air pressure (too much blows it though).