I personally think that if you have SUGR and YEST, you should have a reaction between YEST, DSTW, and SUGR to produce ALCH (alcohol). ALCH would have a low boiling point (45c) and when it vaporises into GAS, it will cool the object it is touching. It would be very useful in refridgeration, condensing, etc. If GAS has a ctype of ALCH, it will turn back into ALCH when pressurised and the temperature is cool. When ALCH burns, it will burn a bright blue. #66FFFF would be a pretty awesome color. #E0FFFF would be the color of ALCH. This would make this suggestion a lot more useful and as far as breaking saves goes, all new property changes in older elements break saves. It is the evolution of power toy.
I like your idea! doesn't someone have this in there mod?
I agree with you, some of the reactions in TPT are way to simple. Like when you pour water on top of a plant,it doesn't actually grow. Instead the water just changes into plant, simulating growth. Yet this simulation is very simple. Take exotic for example, what makes it fun is the fact that it has many unique abilities and reactions. For saves breaking, this has happend to me all of the time, but do i complain. No, because you are getting new elements and properties for it.
well "molten sugar" can actually exist it a very small range of temperatures irl, anyway it's a simulation
I like your idea! doesn't someone have this in there mod?
I was the one that kind of came up with it in Me4502's mod.