Change the options in control panel to show all file extensions.
Click on the autorun. Press F2. Delete the txt.
Actually, I'm having the same problem: I highly doubt he's doing anything wrong: it can run scripts with a .lua.txt extension (I have tried it, but it won't auto-run them).
if message 'autorun.lua.txt already exists. Do you want to replace it?' appears,
1. Delete autorun.lua.txt
2. Make a new one in notepad
3. After it done, do Save As
4. type 'autorun.lua'
No, that's not his problem; this is actually a real bug.
You guys have hidden file extensions, go into control panel, folder options, view tab, look for the checkbox "Hide extensions for known file types" and uncheck it.
Lua can open ANY file as long as it is plaintext, hell you can save it as something.tiff.jpg.exe, and a dofile("something.tiff.jpg.exe") will work.
TPT only auto-runs "autorun.lua" exactly, if it doesn't, it is either in the wrong place, has a hidden extension, or is actually running but does nothing.