micro processor

  • massey101
    17th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Lucasspencer123, It would be good (whether it is a processor or not) if you could tell us EXACTLY what your micro processor does...
    Because it could be a great invention (whether it is a processor or not).
  • lucasspencer123
    17th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    well there just meant for forming basic task so not like devastas 1 input at a time these ones need to work with 10 inputs a second to work in there max this means that you get much faster programs to form. so basicly if yo made a graphics chip tuned to these you could do loads ive made one but all it does is make strange shapes for each situation.but look at the processor with cache memory and the one called 48 bit processor its fast and able to multi task but when beat comes i will be launching mimpros there mini micro processors that give 4 bit inputs 7 bit outputs when converted into graohics that means it can go to21 bit screen. then im launching noter a seriesated not gate processor that has one bit of in processor cache in it core then add 32 bits on the outside.
  • massey101
    17th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    This did not help. How do we use it? what does it do when we do use it? you said it forms basic tasks, but WHAT basic tasks.
  • lucasspencer123
    17th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    okokok by basic tasks i mean forming basic shapes basic codes that allow it to read write hardeives use wifi and create extremly basic graphics and to use just have a go with the inputs its 8 bit on both but on the computer tonight it will have keyboard and encoding converter so you only need to type in. ill give a few codes 101101100 ask the processor to test all its memory to see if working it does it to the ram and graphics and the same time if hooked up (these are for the processor and processor with cache ram ) if you gave it 111111111 it would shut down the processor by reset all ram all cache six times to make sure it didn't load again. but these are only 2 codes of the hundreds when ordered and placed correctly. on the new computer tonight the forming basic shapes bit will come
  • Diissaster
    17th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Necroed three times...
    I mean let it R.I.P