well I prefer to call a CPU and a processor two different things when it comes to powder toy. A processor has to be able make calculations preform commands ect... while a cpu in powder toy just has to be a central processing unit.
In theory you could very easily make a small cpu, it just depends on what you are trying to do with the cpu. I would go check out devast8a's processor if you can manage to understand that (to some extent) then you will know exactly what you have to do with your mini cpu.
well actually saying about a computer on powder toy is possible ive made one it has a usb wifi mimpro processor keyboard touch pad graphics card[not tuned proporley]with montier ram converter adn 44 bytes of ram 22 byte fxd program harddrive and it seems to run well its really basic im launching it next week tuesday night at 8pm it will be called the alien 53 then i will launch smaller versions with diffrent processors i just need some help with graphics card. but why i said this on this post is because it easy to use and understand which is why it great for denkdeatz to learn how to make one its really a basic processor thats a variating switch plate with 4 bits but i am atemmpting to make one like it but 16 bit.
i wonder if eventually we wont need new hardware anymore nad well just have computers withe a hard disk lots of ram and real basic other features, all of our other needs could just be run through simulated hardware that would still return the same output as the physical equipment.