Rob215 <joke>2011. So I can build it in preparation for 2012... </joke>
Just kidding. There is no deadline
Maniachacker Sorry. I forgot to tick the "Publish" Box when I posted it. I was meant to write that in the description... Sorry!
AshtonArdoin Sorry the picture is so big, but I have a 1600x900 monitor. The water Defences slowed the lava down, but it eventually failed and the bunker is on fire. If the bunker is on fire, then it's occupants are dead.
I need to have the bomb to accurately test what kind of defenses I need, I tested thermite, plutonium+nuetrons, trapped C4, and pretty much everything else.
Lava is probably impossible to make as a nuke considering there really isn't anything that can hold it, but I'll be sure to test with lava this time.
LoadSaveBlock(30604); Brick lined with insulator. Don't complain about the things being too big, please. The generator is simple, the lift is the little glass box wired into the power system. Small, internal cooling system near the top. Edit: Whoops, the shower evaporated. Fixed that with a semi-solid ice loop.
exactly it's you're fault for not thinking of it. btw i tested my bunker by filling all above ground with plutonium, only 1 element can get through according to my tests, geuss wich.