HolyExLxF Probably because you might have the unrar package installed, I opt not to install it because I just don't trust rar files basically, too many viruses get spread that way. (Yea yea I'm on linux so theres not much chance of a virus from a rar file) and tbh getting rar to work is a pain in the ass
Well after all that, installing MONO for WINE, getting a needed DLL it tells me OpenGL is out of date... which either means downloading and compiling WINE myself or getting Windows.... meh.
October 1, 2010 -FX-Trail effects, editable in config.ini
October 3, 2010 -Improved leveling system. -Fixed leveling at high levels.Never mind. It's still pretty screwed up. -Leveling a bit faster. -Fixed [workaround, might still happen, idk] annoying issues with floating point numbers on mass/radius. (ie. Mass 5.000000000001) -Fixed being unable to view mass/radius of an existing object while editing it. -Updated instructions. -Added initial_xp in config.ini. This allows you to select a starting XP value. Works well with hardcore mode enabled.