113 / 19
1st Nov 2012
28th Sep 2013
this large building takes in 'bad' air and replaces it with oxygen. at the moment it is processing a vacum but you can add a co2 and gas atmosphere if you want. KEEP THE EDGE MODE ON WALL! it will explode after a while because of a glitch in tpt.
terraformer aliens processor usedmg reactor noambientheat bomb spark complex


  • MishaB
    28th Sep 2013
    Its good but it self destructed
  • sentinal-5
    3rd Jul 2013
    thanks. i wish they'd add nitrogen, but they won't because it's practically inert and 'would be boring' but now how can we make hydrazine? ROCKET FUEL FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!
  • rrr598
    30th Jun 2013
    Really, this is ASKING for oxygen overdose. We need SOME nitrogen in with the oxygen. Stupid TPT limits. Since that is not possible with the rescources on TPT, it is quite smart.
  • sentinal-5
    9th Jun 2013
    XD yeah it does that...
  • brutuscat1
    30th May 2013
    wow. right when I said explode it exploded!
  • sentinal-5
    17th Apr 2013
    D: !!! but fair enough i guess... even so... BURN IN HELL!!! >:(
  • Chemi
    15th Apr 2013
    -1 because amboent heat.
  • sentinal-5
    13th Feb 2013
    yeah, it does sometimes explode... but i was trying to avoin using indestructible elements as much as possible... if you can make a WORKING 100% destructible fusion reactor i will personally beg simon to put you on fp...
  • RustyNinja
    6th Feb 2013
    It seems to like exploding after a while.
  • sentinal-5
    20th Nov 2012
    yeah turn it on to simulate 'firing weapons under the main cooling towers'. :D