This weapon fires freezed and charged singularity. On contact with anything above 0^, the singularity melts and explodes in a devastating explosion. Newtonian Gravity must be on, and its healthier if ambient heats is off. Now with different ammo types!
I like how when singularity explodes it creates mostly photons. In other words, sing actually creates a massive amount of pure energy in the form of photons, since photons are massless.
and dont call me a noob when none of your saves have over two votes.
look at the history. there used to be two bars under each ammo thing probably for showing the strength or something.
pie3: *facepalm* such a noob, ask yoursself to be banned, and never make a new account.
ermm... i think my gun might have jus exploded...
destroy the bray cooling system and wait
the gun exploded................
what are the bars underneath the ammo
991264 not working, i have the reason in the comments, and it looks sorta like something from tron