It generates endless heat out of YEST, detailed description in the save.
Ahem.... TRY SPRK lolz:P
if only this worked in real life...
of course, i did not say it wasn't
@Mattpoppbros Heat is a kind of energy.
@tothemyers But if i just burn DUST, the heat reaches max. 600 degrees. With FIRW it reaches 3500 degrees.
it creates infinite HEAT, tothemyers
I don't understand! There was one of his far better creations on here not too long ago. But now this repaced it! D:<
So basically it creates infinite dust. The whole thing could have been simplified if you had used YEST that expands, then is killed to become DYST then DUST, then burn the dust, and use heat to make more YEST! No need for neutrons or firework anywhere!
you have earnt one of my niceuseofdtec tags :D
nice idea