my first save, a awesome USP .45 pistol, has 0 views,my sentry camera has 2 views, and my city also has 2 views, TPT views dont make sence AT ALL, meanwhile, a helicopter gets 196 views and FP
Agreed. An amazing new reader with fabulous talent! I sense another BuysDB coming along, +1
Inception, You are the best I've seen, for a new player.
My Reader has been kicked from FP. Thanks for the long stay :) you guys are awesome. My first save too...
Note to Self: Hire short Pilots :)
WHY THE SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON IS ABOVE PILOT'S HEAD??? i mean doesn't the pilot press the button with his/her head???
The deut tank is for the self destruct...
heres a tip: drop the dueterium tank a civilian or transport helicopter wouldnt never have that on it and a military helicopter certainly wouldnt have it on a helicopter of that size with nuclear matierial on bord i know this isnt made to be realistic but still
I love how about a minute after self destruct, the air pressure makes swirls of molten stuff and noble gas :)
hope this save doesn't gget kicked...