75 / 14
20th Oct 2012
21st Dec 2012
It's way faster than the fp one and it is pretty much foolproof. Justin-Gnail fixed the clogging problem, thx. Jacob1 also fixed part of the clogging with his rpel idea.
sorter particle fast quick powder dmnd


  • --Justin-Gnail--
    21st Oct 2012
    And actually it's still cloging up, you probably need to make it a steeper slope.
  • --Justin-Gnail--
    21st Oct 2012
    You need to make the stor thicker because now the particles are just going right into the pipe.
  • cj646464
    21st Oct 2012
    I fixed it. I just changed the conductive stuff to unconductive things cuz the pipe thing wouldn't work for me.
  • --Justin-Gnail--
    21st Oct 2012
    You should probably do the stor pipe thing because it seems to be the sparking bmtl that clogs it up.
  • cj646464
    21st Oct 2012
    Well, I can try and fix the clogging problem but I dont know about the stor thing, Ill just leave it go cuz its doing fine now.
  • jklujm
    21st Oct 2012
    It clogs up, but it is definitley faster than the others. If the STOR is touching PIPE, you don't need to SPRK it with PSCN.